Tuesday, 14 May 2013


Founder membership is open to all members who formulate committee for the first draft of the constitution and those members who signed the application form for registration and continue to be member thereof.
Associate membership shall be open to any person who is not a founder member of the organization which upon application for membership to TAVITA believe and agree with objectives and functions of the establishment of TAVITA.
Honorary membership will be awarded to people and institutions upon recognition of their exceptional services to the organization or shall be proposed by the executive committee after appreciation of their exceptional services and approved by the general assembly.

Founder members

Entry fee for founder members shall be Tshs. 10,000/= plus Tshs. 500 as monthly fee.

Associate members

Entry fee for associate members shall be Tshs. 15,000/= plus Tshs. 500 as monthly fee.

Honorary members

Entry fee for honorary members shall be Tshs. 50,000/= plus Tshs. 2,500 as monthly fee.

The following shall be the duties of members.
  1. To promote the ideas of the organization 
  2. To participate in all activities and programs of the organization 
  3. To be cheerful helpful and willing to volunteer to participate in community development and activities of TAVITA 
  4. To pay all the required fees of the organization and annual subscription fees as regulated from time to time by the executive committee. 
  5. To observe confidential in any information pertaining to TAVITA 
  6. To provide and associate in any act of giving any source of the organization that will capacitate the organization in carrying out its functions successfully 
  7. To repute or honor the vies of the member in the discussion of any matters in the meeting.

Unless it provides otherwise, the following shall be the rights of the members.
  1. To seek and contest for any post in the organization 
  2. To attend in all organization meetings which the member may be entitled thereto. 
  3. To air the views and be heard 
  4. To demand for any of the organizations accounts, statement of accounts and to query the auditors report. 
  5. To vote and to be voted, appointed in any post in a lawful manner. 
  6. For the avoidance of doubt, associate members are eligible for the appointment into committee after going through due process but with the exclusion in the executive committee. 
  7. To loge an appeal and be heard before any organ/committee of the organization in any atmosphere in any dissatisfaction in decision which touch the life and interest of the member.

Executive Committee may suspend a membership of any member on any of the following groups;
If he/she intentionally violates this constitution or rules of the Organization or his internally taken violation of the same, which the violation may cause serious damage to the integrity or welfare of Organization, or;
  1. If he/she intentionally  contravene members ethics, or 
  2. If he/she is found guilty of acting as a traitor to the nation, or 
  3. If he / she has committed any act, which may cause serious damage to integrity or welfare of the organization. 
  4. If he/she has committed criminal offense, charged and sentenced to prison more than six Months.
Any member many be dismissed from TAVITA after the executive committee organizing itself into tribunal to conduct a case against a suspendend member and shall submit its proposed verdict to the general assembly.
The general assembly may after a case has been made before it by the executive committee and following the notification of the member to be suspended and upon being satisfied that sufficient course has been shown for dismissal, dismiss or endorsement of dismissal of such members may be made.


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